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German Chamomile Hydrosol 德國洋甘菊純露

Regular price
RM 80.00
Regular price
RM 0.00
Sale price
RM 80.00

Ingredient List

Matricaria Recutita . Water


  • Soothing and calming: It alleviates sensitivity, redness, and irritation, providing significant relief for delicate, sensitive, allergic, sunburned, or damaged skin.
  • Anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant: It reduces redness and inflammation on the skin. It helps alleviate symptoms of facial blemishes, acne, and pimples while promoting skin repair and healing.
  • Conditioning and balancing: It plays a role in balancing the skin's sebum production, reducing the issues of greasiness and clogged pores. It is suitable for oily and combination skin, leaving the skin refreshed and clean.
  • Moisturizing and nourishing: It contains rich moisturizing ingredients that provide the skin with necessary hydration and nutrients. It helps maintain the skin's suppleness and reduces dryness and roughness.
  • Antioxidant and anti-aging: It is rich in antioxidants that combat the damage caused by free radicals, slowing down the skin's aging process. It helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while enhancing skin elasticity and firmness.

How to use:

  • Option 1: Use as a moisturizing toner. After cleansing, apply an appropriate amount to a cotton pad and gently wipe the entire face.
  • Option 2: Use as a facial mask. Fully saturate a Camellia compressed sheet mask with the hydrosol (approximately 15ml), apply it to the face, leave it on for 15 minutes, then remove. No rinsing is necessary. Follow with your regular skincare routine.
  • Option 3: Use as a hydrating or make up setting spray. Transfer the hydrosol to a small spray bottle for easy on-the-go application. Spray onto the face whenever needed.

Suitable for all skin types. Fragrance-free, preservative-free, and alcohol-free. 100% pure natural with no additives.



德國洋甘菊 . 水


  • 舒緩和鎮定:緩解敏感、紅腫和刺激,對於脆弱敏感過敏受刺激的皮膚、曬傷或受損皮膚的舒緩效果顯著。
  • 抗炎和消炎:能夠減少皮膚上的紅腫和炎症反應。它對於面部瑕疵、暗瘡和粉刺等問題有助於減輕症狀,同時促進皮膚的修復和癒合。
  • 調理和平衡皮膚:對於平衡皮膚油脂有一定的作用,減少油膩感和閉塞毛孔的問題。它適合用於油性和混合性皮膚,能夠使皮膚清爽、乾淨。
  • 保濕和滋潤:含有豐富的保濕成分,能夠提供皮膚所需的水分和營養。它有助於保持皮膚水嫩飽滿,減少乾燥和粗糙的問題。
  • 抗氧和抗老:富含抗氧化物質,能夠對抗自由基的損害,減緩皮膚的老化過程。它有助於減少細紋和皺紋的出現,同時提升皮膚的彈性和緊實度。


  • 方法一: 作為保濕化妝水使用。潔臉後,取適量於化妝棉,輕輕擦拭全臉。
  • 方法二: 作為濕敷使用。將山茶花壓縮面膜紙充分吸收純露(約15ml用量),濕敷臉部15分鐘後移除,無須沖洗,接續日常護膚程序。
  • 方法三: 作為保濕或定妝水使用。分裝至小噴瓶中攜帶外出,隨時隨地噴灑臉部。

適合所有肌膚類型 . 不含香料、防腐劑和酒精 . 100%純天然、零添加
