Q: Does hydrosol contain fragrance?
A: Not necessarily. Only certain flowers like Magnolia Alba, Osmanthus, Gardenia, Rose and Jasmine contain a refined fragrance while most plant or herb hydrosols like Tea Tree, Rosemary, Eucalyptus smell green and grassy. This is because hydrosols are produced from raw plant materials without adding in fragrances.
Q: How do I use hydrosol in skincare regime?
- A : Option 1 – Use hydrosol as toner, pour on cotton pad until wet thorough and gentle apply on face, continue with daily moisturizer, serum and face cream.
- Option 2 – Use hydrosol as water mask, soak compressed mask or cotton pad with hydrosol until wet thoroughly, apply on face for 15-20 minutes then remove it. Continue with daily moisturizer, serum and face cream.
- Option 3: Use hydrosol as face mist, pour into spray bottle and bring it alongside while going out to work and leisure, spray on face while you feel skin dehydrated or just for invigorate purpose. It also can be used as body moisturizer and fragrance mist after shower.
- A:方法一:將純露當作化妝水使用,倒在化妝棉搽拭全臉,然後接續乳液,精華和乳霜。
- 方法二:將純露濕敷使用,讓純露完全浸濕面膜紙或化妝棉,然後敷在全臉約15-20分鐘,間中補噴純露讓其維持濕透狀態。不宜濕敷超過30分鐘。移除面膜紙或化妝棉後,塗抹乳液,精華和乳霜。
- 方法三:將純露當作保濕噴霧使用,把純露分裝入噴霧瓶中隨身攜帶外出,在肌膚感覺乾燥,或是想要提振精神時噴噴臉部,讓肌膚迅速回復滋潤感以及提振精神。保濕噴霧也可在沐浴後噴灑全身,帶來保濕與香氣。